
The Iran Society is a registered educational charity, governed by trustees and an advisory council.

Objects and Activities


The objects for which the Society is established are to promote learning and advance education in the subject of Iran, its peoples and culture (but so that in no event should the Society take a position on, or take any part in, contemporary politics) and particularly to advance education through the study of the language, literature, art, history, religions, antiquities, usages, institutions and customs of Iran.


In fulfilment of these objects, the Society, which is registered in Great Britain as a charity, shall, among other things:

  • Hold meetings and establish, promote, organise, finance and encourage the study, writing, production and distribution of books, periodicals, monographs and publications,

  • Do all such other lawful and charitable things as shall further the attainment of the objects of the Society or any of them.

Principal Officers

President: The Right Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick

Chairman: Mr Antony Wynn*

Hon. Secretary: Mr David Gye*

Hon Treasurer: Mr Robert Mackenzie*

Editor of the Journal: Ms Fuchsia Hart*


Mr David Blow

Dr Teresa Fitzherbert

Ms Janet Rady*

Ms Ella Cohen-Haddon

Dr Arash Tahbaz

The Hon. James Buchan*

Ms Narguess Farzad

Dr Vanessa Martin


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