The Iran Society, founded in 1935


The Iran Society’s Travel Grants

The Iran Society invites applications for its 2024 grants scheme from students or researchers associated with British institutions for support for overseas Persian language study. This might include course fees, travel or accommodation. The Society does not contribute towards regular university tuition fees.

Applications are also accepted for support for research projects, cultural activities and books on subjects relating to Iran, but not related to contemporary politics. Such projects should be of interest to the general public.

In this case, priority will be given to individuals associated with British institutions, but others are welcome to apply.

Applicants should send a proposal, no longer than two sides of A4, outlining the study/travel/project to be funded, including a budget and details of any other funding applied for or received to date, together with a CV. Proposals should be supported by at least one reference.

Applications for grants of up to £2,000 will be considered, though our typical travel grant is less than £1,000.

Priority will be given to first time applicants. Successful applicants must receive the grant into a UK bank account. They will be required to submit a report on completion of the funded project.

Applications should be sent to reach the Society no later than 12.00 noon UK time on 15th May 2024.




